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A goal-oriented Digital Producer with over 4 years experience in managing various web projects including promo websites, banner and email campaigns, landing pages, social media, Flash games and presentations. Worked on international scale with the following brands: Telus, Boston Pizza, Johnson&Johnson, Hewlett-Packard, Chevrolet, Hyundai, Vauxhall, Toyota, KLM, Air France, Saatchi. Successfully led in-house and outsourced teams of designers, programmers and QA specialists, and managed smooth deliveries of projects under timing/resources/scope pressure. Simultaneously handled multiple projects and had experience working on both client and production unit sides.

Technical skills:

•    Familiar with CMS: WordPress, Joomla, OSCommerce, Prestashop, Zen Cart, Drupal.
•    Familiar with languages: AS2, AS3, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, PHP.
•    Familiar with applications: Adobe Flash, Flex, Air, Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, After Effect, Papervision, 3D Max.
•    Advanced user of Photoshop, beginner in Flash and Dreamweaver.
•    Confidently use PM, bug tracking and business tools as Basecamp, Active Collab, MS Project, JIRA, OmniPlan, Redmine, MS Office.
•    Able to design, read and edit XML/HTML/CSS, and to use different CMS.

Managerial skills:

•    Budget estimation, defining project scope, development planning
•    Building a team, coordinating and motivating its members
•    Managing multiple projects development through their full lifecycle ensuring on-time delivery within budget
•    Handling projects risks and changes
•    Liaising with the client and maintaining positive international client relations
•    Financial and administrative management


TAXI Advertising agency, Canada
Sept '11 > present (full-time)
Jan '11 > Sept '11 (contract)
Oct '10 > Nov '10 (freelance)
July '10 > Aug '10 (freelance)

Digital Producer

First, I’ve freelanced at Taxi for a couple of times (6-8 weeks each) in 2010 to help their Production Team launch all digital units of Telus campaign on time. Then I’ve joined them permanently in January 2011 to continue practicing supersonic turnarounds on all digital projects for Telus. A year later I’ve transitioned to work on a variety of other brands, such as Boston Pizza, McCain, Johnson & Johnson, Sun Products, etc.

INNOCEAN WORLDWIDE Advertising agency, Canada
Sept '10 > Oct '10
Digital Producer

A short-term contract job managing production of YouTube channel Flash gadget and other media units within Hyundai Live Smart campaign.

DINAI Legislative software, Ukraine
Mar '09 > Jun '10

Web Project Manager

I remotely managed building a social media portal for Ukrainian commune of accountants and financial specialists. The website contained three main parts – informational (news, documents, laws, articles, tools, events), job search unit (open source for job listings and resumes), and ‘network’ itself (UGC – mail, gallery, connections, blog, forum, etc.).

Activities included:
•    Defining project scope and planning resources.
•    Writing functional description documentation.
•    Searching for team members and coordinating their work.
•    Basic quality control.
•    Filling website content.
•    Making CMS video tutorial for back-end users.

Apr '09 > May '10


I decided to challenge myself to start up a new business from scratch. One month after coming up with idea an online retail store website was launched. Three weeks later my website was on top of Ukrainian Google search results by major keywords and it stays there until now. In three months it started to make profit. I pride myself on having my store beat the rest of Ukrainian e-shops selling similar products in terms of price, reputation and popularity. I gained my interest, sold this business and moved to Canada.

Activities included:
•    Idea generation, design control, website installation and testing, content filling, and website support.
•    Managing clients, orders, deliveries, cash flow, wholesale orders, and customs procedures.

DDM ADVERTISING Web production studio, Ukraine
Aug '07
> Feb '09

Hewlett-Packard Brand Channel Manager

For a year I was responsible for continuous mass digital production of web creatives for Hewlett-Packard. I reported to a Program Manager in the UK-based Media Agency and processed requests from 15 HP Account Managers across Europe on a daily basis. My dedicated team in Ukraine dealt with origination (i.e. animation based on design) and transcreation (resize, optimization, localization, adaptation) of various HP creatives. Every campaign included some or all of the following elements: static gif/jpeg banners, animated gif banners, standard flash banners, rich-media flash banners, html/flash landing pages, html/flash microsites.

Starting from scratch (no vision, no structure, no team) I built a flawless working process and got promoted to work for Chevrolet on more complex projects.

Activities included:
•    Successful production unit startup, including PM modeling, reporting, and team members’ motivation and training.
•    Hiring and managing a team of 5 designers, programmers and QA.
•    Simultaneously managing up to 20 small projects (within one or several campaigns) from 15 Account Managers spread across 6 countries.


Chevrolet Project Manager

Managed development of flash banners, landing pages, and websites, promoting Chevrolet Camaro, Cruze, Captiva, Aveo, and Matiz. Working with client offices in England, Germany, and UAE I led a production team of 8 in Ukraine.

Mainly working with major HP and Chevrolet projects I was also involved in web production for Vauxhall, Toyota, KLM, Air France, Saatchi&Saatchi.

BUSINESS-LINK Educational company, Ukraine
May '06 > Jun '07

Project Manager / Marketing Manager

PM responsibilities:
•    Organization and coordination of 3-day educational event, including 20 British boarding schools, UK consulate, 300 guest families, 15 media companies, and 20 colleagues in supervision. Responsible for everything from budget estimation to guests’ dietary meals.
•    Coordination of catalogue making – idea, budget, sponsorship, design, printing, and distribution.

Marketing responsibilities:
•    Corporate website support.
•    Promo materials development (print ads, e-newsletters, and study materials).
•    Media planning & reporting on marketing budget.
•    Participating in business development committees, exhibitions, and fairs.
•    Compiling manuals for marketing manager position.
•    Carrying out induction procedures for newcomers.

•    Bachelor in Business Administration and Marketing – International Christian University, 2006
•    Tourism Activity Organizer - Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, 2003


Business Writing, Multi-Cultural Awareness, Teambuilding, Effective Meetings, Presentation skills, and Leadership skills.


Fluent English, native Ukrainian and Russian, basic French



Available upon request.